Saturday, July 20, 2013

Practice shool begins

Just when you think it can't get worse....
Language assessment on Monday and then this...

This is a schedule for "practice school" that we will be in for the next few weeks- please take notice - THIS is ONE  WEEK! We are all exhausted and nervous and just want it to be over, on the other hand... when it's over we leave each other and move to our sites.
Though I want to teach children it was just my luck to pull 8th  an 12th grade. So for 12th grade lessons.... "European Integration (Living in a Globalized World)", "Problems for us all (Hormone scandal - ie. adding hormones to beef", "Literary Focus The Same as Ever" (NO idea what that is).
8th - "Everyday Life" (can you say that you rise with the lark if you are an early bird?) WHAAATTT???? "School life" (not so bad right? However the vocab is Renaissance, autonomous, encyclopedia... need I continue?), and "Handicraft Lessons" (What  do you drive nails with? Why do we drill metal? What is a needle for.....) I hope it's not asking me to BUILD something with them. THOSE vocabulary words that will come out of mouth I shouldn't teach (OUCH #@! SH@#!!!!)
This weekend there are real teachers coming for two weeks. Next will be my real partner teacher for one week,we will learn to work together.  This will be hard for her I'm sure, she has a 5 yr old at home. We have been in classes for five 9 hour days and 1/2 a day on Sat., we are now moving into six 9 hour days.
I guess I better start studying hormones and globalization so I can actually teach it. Wish me luck.
The town I am in now, Ialoveni, has some amazing homes:




Interesting thing around here, gates and walls are a kind of status symbol. There are gates that are not nice, some are very nice and some are BEAUTIFUL. It's not unusual to see a NOT very nice home behind the most elaborate gates... but... you know men.... "look mine is bigger than yours". :-) I will be posting photos of these gates because some of them are amazing, here are some nice ones, but NOT the elaborate ones I'm talking about.  I told some people I would like to a make a book of  just "fence doors". My friend said "Sandra those are called gates" DUH :-) OMG My brain is fried. So if I do publish a book of gates it will be titled "Fence Doors"

I'm hoping to get a picture of one with space rockets! Each time I pass someone is there and I can't just snap a photo in front of them.
I found this to be a little amusing, there are yellow pipes that are all around  (and kids play on them not a cozy feeling when I see that) they are the gas lines. Now see that little yellow box? That is what that is, part of the gas line. So I thought, well then, it does make sense to put a large JESUS in front of it, at least it can't HURT, Right? Although I question the use of wood? Then again should there actually be an explosion wood, metal, tin... won't matter.
Today I was out hiking through walnut groves.
I was texting a friend, just enjoying the nice breeze in the shade and as I hit send I looked up and THIS was coming at me (I KNEW THERE WAS A REASON I HATE CELL PHONES)!
Doesn't look so menacing because you can see the rope and he is far away, I turned slowly and said to myself "OK don't run... walk calmly" but then I turned and he was aiming right at me, and then I saw the rope and thought "haha can't get me" the only problem is I didn't know how the long rope was! So I hightailed it out of there fast because LOOK AT THOSE HORNS!. This would make a nice headline..."PC volunteer from Northampton MA killed by goat in Moldova" and you can put on my stone "Here lies Sandra our beloved sister and friend, she was a goat victim" Let someone figure out what that means 100 yrs from now walking past my headstone.
When safely out of reach I was able to turn and take his photo. ( BAAASTARD GOAT CAN'T GET ME NOW) :-)
And finally are these NOT THE COOLEST PHOTOS!

What I love the most about Moldova is the fascinating and interesting mix of old and new.
OK over and out from Moldova
до свидания
OH and one more thing... some of you have been asking me if it's hot here? Every day is either HOT, HOTTER, or HOTTEST. Once in awhile it rains and OH what a relief it is. Since we're limited on clothes to wear, each day you smell your shirt and rate it to 1-10.  10 = right out of the wash, 7= not so good  but not so bad, 5 = ick bad but doable, and then there is the 3 = "HOLY #@! THIS IS GROSS but heck I can get one more use" and finally there is 1 = "NO chance in HELL I'm wearing this thing, and into the wash it goes".  Since it costs money to wash, and we are so limited on funds, I save them for a 3-4 week batch, or you do what I did today, hand wash and hang them in your room to dry on my radiator, windowsill, door handles....etc. Figured I'd better get use to is, I will be hand washing for years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those ARE the coolest photos, and the fence doors are amaaazing. Incredible houses, too! Keep up the good work!
    Judy Chabot
