Tuesday, October 28, 2014


What is a JUMP JUMP girl you ask?  Sometimes I find myself in surreal moments while serving as a member of the PC.  Most of us picture the rural villages of Africa when we hear Peace Corps, right? A young American surrounded by dozens of smiling children. I don’t think anyone pictures THIS stuff. I happened to be in the city, a world away from my rural corner of Moldova, for World Cup - In the center the main road was partially blocked off to celebrate. Each night they had the games on big screens. Lots of fun, music, and beer.  

Now see here on the screen? The gals are half-dressed (1/4 dressed actually you just can't tell from photos), these are cheerleaders that are performing on the stage behind me.  These are them, the  “JUMP JUMP  girls”

During the games, as well as in-between, over the loudspeakers (which you could hear no mater where you were in the city) would come the words “JUMP JUMP JUMP”. When you heard these word, look out! Here come the JUMP JUMP girls. These woman would run around the crowds (well jump actually) with pom poms flying. Hence the name (not official, we created it). Every now and then they’d throw in “JUMP JUMP men” who were dressed in baggy clothes from neck to ankle whose job was NOT to look sexy. Instead it was their job to help the JUMP JUMP girls jump higher, spin, dance and over all, just look a whole lot better than they already did. I tell you, these gals were HOT!! We were in awe of their abs! Who could have known that jumping so much would cause one to have great abs!  (hhhmmmm… time to get the jump rope out).

The event was funded by Chisinau beer so every 5 minutes “CCCHHHHIIISSSIINNAAAUUUU” was yelled, somewhere along the way we decided to take a drink of our beer each time it was said. Made for a fun beer drinking game. .... partying with 20 year olds is keeping me young (until I look around me and realize I'm the only one who is over 20 in the crowd,, then I don't feel so young)

Oh what a strange strange world I have found myself in. Beam me up Scotty..... it's time to go home.

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